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Light Blox - LED color mixing educational kit

Light Blox - LED color mixing educational kit


Regular price $29.95
Regular price Sale price $29.95
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Bright, beautiful, classroom LED light sources! Safe LEDs in the three primary colors of light (red, green, and blue) for exploring optics, color mixing, and more!

Lenses, mirrors, and diffraction gratings are only included with the Tech Light Lab kit.

Contact us for bulk orders of 25 or more!

  • 6x AA Batteries Required (Not Included)
  • Hours of lessons emailed after order
  • For Grades 3-12 - Aligns to NGSS Standard PS4.B
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Aligns to NGSS Standards

Light Blox enable safe hands-on learning with light and optics

Finally, hands-on color-mixing with light

The primary colors of light – red, green and blue - are not like the primary colors of pigments. When you mix all of the colors of paint, you get a mess – but when you mix the three primary colors of light, you get white light.

With the caps off, these classroom LEDs are perfect for creating the secondary colors of light (yellow, magenta and cyan) with additive color mixing. Or, mix all 3 for white light.

Perfect classroom tool for Reflection and Refraction

With the caps on, LightBlox double as a ray box! They project an easy-to-see beam in each of the primary colors of light (red, green, and blue), perfect for exploring how light bounces (reflects) and bends (refracts).

Students easily and intuitively uncover the law of reflection or measure the angle of refraction.

Explore, inquire and observe all the properties of light with one simple tool - no expensive equipment needed. Make the science of light and optics fun and accessible for students in grades 3-12!

Free lessons and activities included for mastering light

Light is a visually engaging and fun topic for kids and adults, but it can be abstract and difficult to teach also – so we’ve created dozens of labs, experiments, lessons and activities for mixing primary colors of light, reflection, refraction and more with LightBlox. Available for download in your order confirmation.

The Easy Way to Learn About Light


light blox LED primary colors mixing reflection classroom learning  kit


Explore how light bounces in reflection with mirrors and other shiny surfaces.

refraction and reflection diy educational lesson


Learn why lenses bend light to form images in eyes, microscopes and telescopes.

Color Mixing

Blend your own color combinations to make new colors of light!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Steve A.
Uncertain Reliability

These are great tools and the students love them. We have a couple dozen of the kits from the previous company and their #1 issue was many switches would break or wear out about halfway through the second school year of use. About 30% are dead now as they are still failing. An EE friend of mine, who took some of them apart, said the switches were cheap and not made for high cycle use. I had hoped my complaints and suggestions would result in better switches in the new units. We just received new units to replace some of the old ones and the switches appear to be the same. I hope I am wrong. I'll find out next year.

Thijs van Keulen
one of the lasers was broken at arrival

one of the lasers was broken at arrival

Jeannie Stewart
Light Blox

Came on time as stated in the order. Wish the plastic boxes were colored like the previous boxes that we replaced them with. The new ones just have a colored dot on one side.

Suzanne Shera
Very versatile

They are one of the best colored light sources I have owned! The removable slits produce a narrow beam that are useful for reflection and refraction experiments.

I use them for my Color Theory workshops and Physics classes for homeschoolers. I also bring them along when I travel to conferences with my book Lightlab.

Wendy Laurin
great product

I have several sets of the light blox for the classroom. We make the room dark and use them to explore color mixing and shadows. We also use them to analyze how items reflect light like M&Ms. It is part of the section on color mixing. Students are used to red blue and yellow so doing this really makes them think how they see color. We tie it in with how the eye works. It is one of their favorite labs (high school, college and STEM days.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I order with a tax-exempt certificate?

We only automatically charge tax to shipping addresses in Ohio and Maryland. If you're in these states, please email us your tax exempt certificate with purchasing email you'll use. We will keep it on file and mark your purchasing email as tax exempt. Then you can place your order normally without being charged taxes.

If you're outside of these states, you can go ahead and order now without being taxed. Then, go ahead and email us your certificate so we can mark your account. If we expand in the future, we may eventually charge taxes in your state.

How do I order using a Purchase Order and Invoice?

We'll need to set up a custom order for you and mark it for payment due later. Please email us to receive a quote that includes shipping and taxes. Then, email us your PO. After shipping, we'll email you the invoice with payment details. Please note that if we do not have an existing relationship with your institution, we may require payment before shipping to reduce our risk of fraudulent orders.

Do you offer classroom discounts?

We offer discounts on most products for orders of more than 10 of any one item. Another price decrease is available at 25 pieces - typically what's needed for a classroom. If you are interested in those quantities, please email us and include your item and quantity details for a quote.