In the Light is for Seeing Activity, elementary students come to understand the fundamentals of how light allows us to see. Students build a Classroom Cave and engage in an investigation to refine their understanding of how light illuminates objects and allows us to see them. Students predict, test, change a variable and test again, to learn the process of science along with the content: light allows us to see.
Grade Range: 1 to 5
Duration: 1/2 Hour – 1 Hour
- A very dark closet or items to build one (blankets, large boxes)
- Flashlights
- Construction paper
- Aluminum foil and scissors
NGSS Connections
PS4-B Electromagnetic Radiation:
- Make observations to construct an evidence based account that objects in darkness can only be seen when illuminated. (1-PS4-2)
Cross Cutting Concepts:
- Simple tests can be designed to gather evidence to support or refute student ideas about causes.
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- Objects can be seen if light is available to illuminate them or if they give off their own light.
Science and Engineering Practices
- Make observations to construct and evidence based account for natural phenomena